Funding Sources for Businesses, Nonprofit Organizations, and Individuals

Support for Artists

Artist Relief Grants - Artist Relief is an emergency initiative organized by a group of mid-sized national arts grant makers offering $5,000 grants to artists facing dire financial emergencies due to COVID-19. Funds will be distributed over the next 6 months to allow time for processing as well as communication to reach as many artists as possible. Practicing artists in any discipline are able to apply; you must live in the United States or one of its territories, be 21 or older, able to receive taxable income, and have lived in the United States for the last two years. It may take 4 weeks to hear back from them, but funds will be distributed within two weeks of an approved application. Applicants who do not receive funding at first are invited to reapply each month.

  • Cycle I: April 8 - April 23 (closes 11:59pm ET)
  • Cycle II: April 24 - May 21 (closes 11:59pm ET)
  • Cycle III: May 22 - June 18 (closes 11:59pm ET)
  • Cycle IV: June 19 - July 23 (closes 11:59pm ET)
  • Cycle V: July 24 - August 20 (closes 11:59pm ET)

Artist Relief Project - The Artist Relief Project provides a one-time emergency stipend of $200 to artists, musicians, and performers impacted by event cancellations and venue closures. This initiative is sponsored by Artly World, a nonprofit based in Austin, TX.

Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs Grants - Visit link for specific grants and deadlines

The Photographer Fund - The Photographer Fund, sponsored by Format, is designed to help photographers facing financial difficulties due to COVID-19 by offering assistance of up to $500 per person. Any self-employed photographers facing a financial hardship are eligible to apply.

General Business Support

IOWA SMALL BUSINESS UTILITY DISRUPTION PREVENTION PROGRAM EXPANDED: Eligibility criteria for the Iowa Small Business Utility Disruption Prevention Program has been expanded to include utility assistance for eligible small businesses and nonprofits for electric or natural gas service provided between March 17, 2020 and October 15, 2020. The program will accept applications through October 31 or until all funds have been exhausted. Click here to learn more and apply.

Community Savings Bank may be able to assist:

Nav: Small Business Grant Contest - Nav is giving grants to small businesses that tell a story of preservation and opportunity in the face of a past or ongoing challenge. Entries accepted until September 1.

Facebook: $100M in Grants for Small Businesses - Facebook is offering $100 million in grants to support over 30,000 small businesses in over 30 countries. Check if your small business is eligible.

CCDG Business Resource Guide

CARES Act Business Guidelines

CARES Act Highlights

CIRAS has launched to provide you with up-to-date resources on how to respond to COVID-19 for your business.

Iowa Business Recovery Assistance from the Iowa Economic Development Authority.

Iowa Workforce Development will provide updates related to the impact of COVID-19 as they become available. Please review this page for the latest information and resources.

Professional Beauty Association Relief Fund - The PBA COVID-19 Relief Fund will provide $500 to licensed beauty professionals who are unable to work or are experiencing financial hardships due to COVID-19. The funding, if awarded to you, is intended to be emergency aid for short-term immediate needs such as food and bills. Applications will be reviewed on a daily basis Monday through Friday, and they will be funded using a lottery system as donations are received so that all eligible applicants have an equal chance of receiving aid. Eligible licensure types include cosmetologist, barber, hair, esthetics, instructor, make-up, massage therapy, nail tech, and specialty.

SBA Loans - The SBA is providing loans to small businesses due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The loans offer up to $2 million in assistance to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable and other bills. Visit SBA for more information.

Targeted Small Business Sole Operator Fund - A fund has been created to support Targeted Small Businesses (TSB) with zero employees that have been economically impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The program offers eligible small businesses grants up to $10,000 to businesses that are single owners with no employees that are also TSB certified. Click here to submit a grant application.

Support for Individuals

Home Energy Assistance- The Iowa Department of Human Rights' network of local community action agencies administer the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) to assist eligible households with a portion of their utility bill. Applications are being accepted at the local agencies through May 31, 2020. Find out how to apply for assistance through your local Community Action Agency.

The Iowa Utilities Board (IUB) issued an emergency order on March 27 approving a moratorium on disconnections of electric and natural gas utility service, and investor-owned water utilities, during the COVID-19 public health emergency.  The Iowa Attorney General explains that the moratorium will allow customers to keep these utility services during the pandemic. It is important to note that bills will continue to accrue during the moratorium, and If you are unable to pay your bills, contact your utility company to discuss a payment options to avoid a large unpaid balances and reduce the potential for service disconnection once the public health emergency has passed.

Customers with utility issues or questions may submit a complaint online  at, or contact the IUB Customer Service Department by telephone at 877-565-4450 or (515) 725-7321 and by email at

Iowa Department of Human Rights COVID-19 Resources

Opportunities Closed

First Round Closed: Iowa Arts Emergency Relief Fund -Apply for one-time emergency relief funding to support Iowa’s arts and cultural sector during the COVID-19 public health emergency.

Who: Artists, Arts Nonprofits
What: $1,000 for eligible Iowa artists and $2,500 for eligible Iowa arts nonprofits
When: Application opens April 13, 2020 and closes April 17, 2020

Funds depleted: U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Save Small Business Fund - The Save Small Business Fund is a grantmaking initiative led by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation. Applications go live April 20. The fund will offer $5,000 grants for employers across the country. They also developed a Coronavirus Small Business Guide.

LISC Grant for Small Business  -  Due April 28th 2020

Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) is offering small business relief grants in the amounts of $5,000, $7,500, and $10,000. LISC is a non-profit community financial institution that supports projects and programs to revitalize underserved communities and bring greater economic opportunity to residents. They will support small businesses and enterprises affected by the COVID-19 across the country, especially those in underserved communities, including entrepreneurs of color, women- and veteran-owned businesses that often lack access to flexible, affordable capital. Applications must be submitted by Tuesday, April 28 at 11:59PM EST.